When looking out over the lake, as I was laying down on my stomach, I saw the perspective of the lake from a small animal's point of view. The wheat-like grass framed my vision as I peered into the blue abyss. It was one of those moments that screamed, "TAKE A PICTURE," yet the only picture you have is your mind.
Sometimes I wish my brain was a computer, so that I could take pictures as I see them and recall them later. I wasn't blessed with a photographic memory, and actually tend to forget things quite easily, so sometimes it gets a bit difficult to retain information or sights. But if I could take pictures with my mind...now that would be something!
The sounds as you sit by the lake are so beautiful--so pure. The birds are chatting away; the water lapping against the sand and the wheat-grass; the applause of the leaves in the trees as the wind caresses them. It's so beautiful. So true. So loving. It's in moments like these that God reveals Himself to me. The little moments. The little nuances. The little blessings.
This blog is an exploration of my thoughts as I travel through this thing called life. Everyone is on their own journey, and we all deal with that differently. I LOVE sharing stories, and struggle when I'm journaling, because I can't share my stories with anyone. I'm also aware that it's a nuisance if I share too much, so blogging seems to be a happy medium. If anything I write about strikes your fancy, get a hold of me. Let's talk about life, about spirituality. We're all adventuring together, after all, and that's the beautiful thing. :)
It is so good, this thing called life.
It's also extremely frustrating, but I believe that that is part of the fun.
Mmmm...yes. It's official; I like blogging. :)
friendfriendfriend I love that you're blogging! I love this post, too. a beautiful something that you got to live :)