Friday, November 27, 2015


I remember the hours that went by when I didn’t feel anything
I was only existing
And each hour was a choice to continue going on
Trusting that although I couldn’t see how anything would resolve
That it would
And I was cynical, so cynical, every hour
And the hours turned into days and the days into weeks
And the weeks into months of eating and sleeping and doing
But not being present in the moment
Not being present in passion
Not being present in hope
Only making it by and hiding within myself for protection

And I remember how you sustained me with manna
And you gifted me little sparks of what was to come
And I didn’t believe you because the numbness had become
So normal that there was no other way of being
And celebration could never exist in pain
And the end was never in sight

But you gifted me glimpses of affirmations
And companions who held my tears and walked with me
Hour by hour and day by day
And they listened as I processed the deep pain of living
And the deep pain that had become entrenched within me over the years
And the lies that had become my ways of existing
They held with me as the lies were brought to light
And I was so raw that it was clear that I was walking around naked
For months on end
And it was so uncomfortable

But it was okay because you kept gifting me glimpses
You kept saying “Trust, love.”
And some days I did and most days I didn’t and
I cried and it was hard and I kept going
And then one day I realized that I didn’t want to kill myself anymore
And I realized that I still didn’t have a purpose in life and
I still didn’t know how everything would resolved but
I remember that moment in October of 2012 when I first realized that
Maybe, just maybe, I was healing.

And I just want to say
Thank you Lord for all you’ve done for me.

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