Monday, July 30, 2012

For the Love of Mondays

How is it that I can see so much pain?
Death, destruction, abuse, anger
And yet still love You?
How is it that Your majesty outweighs all negativity
How Your love transcends all?
My spirit soars as I trudge through mud
Trials that once brought grief now bring joy.
How wonderful.

I want to walk with You by the water
Lightly brushing the grass with my fingertips
Sand curling between the toes
The trinkle of water—beauty
How I long for this solitude, this solace with You
Day in, day out
Dancing is a state of the heart

*  *  *

I constantly fall to attack
And yet You wait patiently, teaching me
With love
I stumble daily, by the hour, by the minute
Weighing me down, my failures
Striving for perfection is a lost cause
And yet You wait patiently, teaching me
With love

*  *  *

I see now
I see now
Blind like Saul, I’ve staggered about
Lost, hopeless, constantly confused
“Follow me,” You say.
“But why?” Is my answer.
“I know better; I know the way.”
I see now

Your love is infinite
It is everlasting
I see You now
Pursuing me, daily
Little love letters in the wind and all around
I jump for joy, tears streaming down my face
I am free
I am free

*  *  *

I will fight for you daily
Irresistibly radical for You
For love
I will fight for you in the cities,
In the jails, in the poverty-stricken houses
I will fight for you in the middle of the abuse and the death and the violence
I will fight for you in the crack addictions and the prostitution
In the brokenness, Your light will shine.

The beautiful justice of Love.
My soul weeps in absolute awe
In absolute awe of everything
Everywhere I look there is terrible darkness
But finally
For the first time,
I truly see darkness, no longer in naïve optimism
But because of that horrid darkness,
I’ve found Light.

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