Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Part 1

You were the first to arrive at the scene
To perform emergency care for my bleeding heart
Wrapping it tightly with gauze to stop the grieving
But the feeling stopped, too.

So numb
Beneath the restricting gauze--
The survival kit in the midst of loss
My God
I have been half alive for so long I have forgotten what it is 
To feel.

Photo Credit: Sara Fouts

Friday, July 22, 2016

Sometimes I feel like dance is a bit like God

Photo Credit: Sara Fouts

Sometimes I feel like dance
Is a bit like God like
How I continually try to run and run
From that which beckons me to the
Sweetest surrender of expression
And 'Come away with me, Beloved'
To the naked movement of my soul
Flourishing and free and safe as it was meant to be
As it could be
(As it will be
Someday when the world is renewed
And we find ourselves dancing together
Raw and intimate and beautiful
The sweet laughter of communion)
Sometimes I feel like dance
Is a bit like God like
How I continually try to run and run
From S[He] who beckons me to the
Sweetest surrender of expression

Photo Credit: Sara Fouts